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Monday, November 30, 2015

Traveling With Portable Air Purifiers

I bought portable air purifiers for every traveling member of my team.  I manage a team of sales representatives that sell vitamins.  I felt badly that they had to endure such bad air quality on their trips away from home.

Portable air purifiers make a big difference in a small hotel room.  My preference is for the Roomaid product.  It weighs just five pounds, making it very easy to maneuver.

One of my team members was concerned about the sound of the portable air purifiers.  He took his on a trip and reported back to everyone that it was quiet enough to put into a room with a sleeping baby.  He said that it worked extremely well for its intended purpose of removing smoke and odors in a small space.

When I was researching portable air purifiers, there seemed to be only one that I ended up liking.  The choice was extremely easy to make.  The portable air purifiers that I bought all came with activated carbon filters.

I replaced the activated carbon filters that came with the portable air purifiers with VOC (volatile organic compound) Carbon filter supplements.  Traveling by car is what a lot of my team members prefer, so the units that I purchased all had auto adapter kits.  It works amazingly well helping reduce diesel fumes on the freeway.

I am always concerned about the health and safety of my team members.  I am glad that I was able to improve the quality of the air that they are breathing while they travel for me conducting business.  Several of my team have expressed to me privately that they appreciate the portable air purifiers.

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